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Frontiersman, October 2000
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Limited Aristocracy
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMost people think of aristocracies as hereditary, like the ones in Europe or China in recent centuries.  However, heredity isn't the only way to establish an aristocracy.  It can also be done by legislation.  In general, any time that one group of people enjoys access to some special privilege from which other people are forcibly excluded, an aristocracy, at least a limited one, exists. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageExample — If some people are permitted by legislation to hunt game for food, and enjoy the benefits associated with such behavior, and other people are prohibited by legislation from hunting game for food, and punished for doing so, then the privileged group is a limited aristocracy, defined by legislation. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageExample — If some people are permitted by legislation to be lawyers, doctors, beauticians, airline pilots (or whatever) and enjoy the benefits associated with such behavior, and other people are prohibited by legislation from being lawyers, doctors, beauticians, airline pilots (or whatever) and punished for doing so, then the privileged group is a limited aristocracy, defined by legislation. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageExample — If some people are permitted by legislation to sell a product, and enjoy the benefits associated with such behavior, and other people are prohibited by legislation from selling the product, and punished for doing so, then the privileged group is a limited aristocracy, defined by legislation. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIn each case, membership in the aristocracy is secured by means of a license, issued by some agency which has jurisdiction over the privileged behavior of the aristocrats.  The license is the means by which some people are permitted to engage in the privileged behavior, and are therefore members of the aristocracy, and other people are denied the privileged behavior, and are therefore excluded from the aristocracy.  Such a license is, in fact, a Title of Nobility in the constitutional sense.  An aristocracy may or may not be a good thing but, in the USA, a Title of Nobility is unconstitutional. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageAristocracies might arise in many ways, but licenses which create limited aristocracies are usually "justified" by claims of necessity.  Many activities are considered to be potentially dangerous, and the licenses are alleged to exclude unqualified people from those activities.  However, the various licenses required in the USA haven't enhanced safety.  They have only created agencies that convert rights into privileges, then sell the privileges to some and deny them to others — a very effective means of controlling people.  Furthermore, such licenses aren't the right way to promote safety.  A certificate, testifying to a man's qualifications, without constituting permission to engage in a privileged activity, and not prohibiting others from participation in the same activity, is just as effective as a license, and less repressive.  It can serve as documentation of qualifications without restricting anybody's behavior.  The difference isn't in the effectiveness of one kind of document over the other in verifying qualifications.  The difference is the mandatory restrictions inherent in a license, but not inherent in a certificate.  With a certificate, entry into a job isn't controlled by government.  People can apply for whatever work they prefer.  Their qualifications can be judged by certification, by resumes, or by any other appropriate means. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIt's an evil bargain to sacrifice liberty for a promise of safety.  Liberty will certainly be lost in the transaction, probably without any increase in safety.  When licensing is the method, people will probably become subservient to the licensing agency.  I would rather be responsible for protecting myself from (for example) drunk drivers than to be subjected to the authority of (for example) a police force sufficiently strong, intrusive, and pervasive to make the roads a safe place to drive.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

Frontiersman@ida.net Frontiersman, 479 E. 700 N., Firth, Idaho  83236
Also see The Pharos Connection at http://www.ida.net/users/pharos/
October 2000
Page 1 

Vintage Whine
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI still hear people claim that reparations are due to the present black descendants of previous black slaves.  Those claims fail on several points.  First, the reparations will not be paid by previous white slave owners, but by presently living white folks, like me.  However, I didn't kidnap anybody from Africa.  I didn't force anybody to be a slave.  Therefore, I don't owe any reparations.  To claim that I'm culpable for the actions of my white slave-owning ancestors is like claiming that I should be executed because one of my ancestors murdered somebody.  I didn't do it.  Don't punish me for it.  Furthermore, the reparations will not be paid to the slaves, but to the presently existing descendants of those slaves.  Those descendants weren't kidnapped and brought here forcibly, so reparations aren't due to them.  To claim otherwise is like giving child support payments to a woman because her great grandmother was deserted and left to raise the family alone. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageAnother point to remember is that slavery was constitutional back then.1  Therefore, the reparations, if they are enacted, will be some of the most blatant ex post facto laws ever perpetrated upon the American People. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe claims fail on another point.  The people making the claims assert that they've been harmed by what was done to their ancestors.  How's that?  Where would they be if their ancestors hadn't been kidnapped?  Maybe they'd be starving in Ethiopia, living in the aftermath of the floods in Mozambique, or dying of AIDS in Botswana.  They sure wouldn't be in America, if they existed at all.  Events that were atrocities for their ancestors have been a blessing for them.  If they think they'd be better off if slavery had never happened, then maybe they should try to make things as much as possible the way things would be if slavery had never happened.  The logical first step will be to go back where their ancestors came from.  Otherwise, I think they should quit whining, count their blessings, and get on with their lives.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun
Article IV, Section 2, clause 3, Constitution for the United States of America

Spinning Gold into Straw
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI'll admit that I haven't paid much attention to the Olympics in recent years.  I consider them to be at best a waste of time.  My less generous view is that I'm disgusted by the commercialism and chauvinistic patriotism which has become their cornerstone.  In terms of the emerging One World Police State, the Games are a blatant example of Bread and Circuses. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageNevertheless, it was difficult to watch the news recently without noticing some things about the Olympics.  I heard one reporter claim that the Australians had spent seven years and 4.5 billion dollars preparing for the Olympics.  With 4.5 billion dollars, and seven years of hard work, the Australians could have solved a lot problems in the world, in Ethiopia, in Mozambique, in Botswana, or maybe even in Australia. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI heard that Pepsi was a prohibited substance at the Olympics because Coke was an Official Sponsor.  I wonder if the prisons in Australia became overcrowded with Pepsi pushers and Pepsi users, gangland shootings erupted as Pepsi syndicates fought for control of Pepsi turf, and Australians turned the problem over to the new Bureau of Pepsi, Tobacco, and Firearms. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI noticed that they tried really hard to prevent the use of "performance enhancing" drugs.  Why?  They allowed the use of plenty of other performance enhancing stuff, from performance enhancing swim suits to high-tech poles in the pole vault.  What's the difference?  If athletes could use the other stuff, then why couldn't they use the drugs?  If they couldn't use the drugs, then why weren't they required to swim naked, so nobody would get an advantage from her swim suit?  I think I have an answer to that one.  The prohibition doesn't have anything to do with the alleged performance enhancing qualities of the drugs.  It has everything to do with the anti-drug mentality perpetrated by the advocates of the One World Police State.  As I mentioned earlier, the Games are a blatant example of One World Police State Bread and Circuses.  Alarmism about illegal drugs has become one of the mainstays of the One World Police State movement, and the Olympics have become an invaluable tool for that agenda.  Maybe the pursuit of Olympic Gold will indeed become the last straw for liberty.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun
October 2000
Page 2
Frontiersman, 479 E. 700 N., Firth, Idaho  83236
Also see The Pharos Connection at http://www.ida.net/users/pharos/

Aristocracy, Democracy, Hypocrisy
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageWhen Vojislav Kostunica apparently won the election in Serbia this past September, the sentiment among Western officials was, "Let the will of the people prevail!".  However, when the results of a free election in Austria last autumn resulted in a strong showing for the insurgent Freedom Party, headed by Jeorg Haider, the talk of the day was the threat of diplomatic sanctions against Austria.  The will of the people, expressed in the election, was irrelevant.  Clearly, officials of the U.S. government and its Western allies don't care about free elections in other countries, or the will of the people as expressed in those elections.  The only thing that matters to them is getting certain people into power, and getting certain other people out of power. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe recent elections in Serbia occurred after open, powerful, unapologetic, and protracted attempts by the Western governments to influence the outcome.  Sanctions imposed on Serbia, for the express purpose of removing Slobodan Milosevic from office, caused outrageous hardships for the people of Serbia.  Combined with the brutal bombings, they crippled the country.  Now, remember how the officials in the U.S. government whined a year or so ago when there was the suspicion that China might have tried to influence the outcome of a U.S. election?  Not a single Chinese bomb fell here.  China wasn't accused of imposing sanctions that crippled the country, but only of spending a little money in the right places, and not strictly in accordance with U.S. election laws.  Did U.S. tampering in Serbia violate any Serbian laws, or destroy any Serbian homes?  Did anybody even bother to ask? 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI believe that the various Western governments, and particularly the U.S. government, must constitute the most outrageous example of hypocrisy ever known to man.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun
Letters to the Editor
Dear Sam.... 
15x5 Page Background GIF Image.... Thanks for the newsletter.  Its originality is refreshing, but I have some negative feedback, too.  If my own case is an example, most "subscribers" aren't paying.  Therefore, they have attached an implicit value of zero to the pub.  If noone pays, then your "reprints" can fetch no fee either, but the reprints clearly cost you (storing + reviewing request + reviewing original + packaging), so they cost you even more.  I feel strongly that you should charge just a bit less than it would cost the requestor to do it hisself.  Copies all over San Jose are available for 5c each.  Libraries and supermarkets charge 15c each.  I assume you pay your electric bill with FeRNs, so rake in what you can!  Don't tell me you do all your filing in daylight, and your Mac runs off solar — I wouldn't believe it.  The local weekly "culture" rag, the Metro, has taken to charging subscriber prices for back issues of an otherwise free pub.  They are clearly trying to recover costs associated with the back-issue service, not the pub itself! 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageNo doubt, you heard of the death of Medical Marijuana activist, and author, Peter McWilliams.  The Libt pubs have put out obituaries, I was wondering if you'd do the same or an editorial.  The unfortunate soul was done in by a judge who didn't care that allegiance to the federal law meant almost certain death.  The US Supreme Court, I understand, yesterday ruled that the Oakland Cannabis Club must shut down.  Death at every turn.  War on "terrorist states";  war on "drugs";  war on "untested therapies".  No peace.  A recently approved heart drug is being recalled because it killed a few too many people.  You can't protect your kids from injury by airbag by defeating the airbag.  You are required to fuel your car with MTBE-tainted gasoline, despite the fact the it is a known carcinogen ... 
— Jonathan;  San Jose, California
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Dear Sam.... 
15x5 Page Background GIF Image.... I really want to get in touch with a California subscriber that would be willing to send a few Certified Mail letters.  This could get me "evidence" to use against the "alleged judge", etc. to Void the alleged Judgments! 
— Eric;  Calipatria, California
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(Informal note to the Frontiersman) 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageKnocking Religion are you qualified??? 
— Helen;  Sacramento, California
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI'm not knocking religion.  I'm knocking arrogance, hypocrisy, and intolerance perpetrated in the name of religion and, yes, I am qualified to comment on repression perpetrated in the name of God.  If religious people in this country don't stop forcing their beliefs on other people, who don't share them, then we will end up killing each other because of religious differences, just like people elsewhere in the world are doing.
— editor

Frontiersman@ida.net Frontiersman, 479 E. 700 N., Firth, Idaho  83236
Also see The Pharos Connection at http://www.ida.net/users/pharos/
October 2000
Page 3 

479 E. 700 N. 
Firth, Idaho 83236 
If you have to register
before you are permitted
to vote, then voting isn't
a right. It's a privilege.
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Buck Hunter Shoots Off His Mouth
Dear Buck 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMy friend invited me to spend the weekend with him on his sail boat.  Do sail boats have rest rooms onboard?
— Worried 
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Dear Worried
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageYes, on the poop deck. 

•     My thanks to Sir John the Generous http://www.jwebster.com/, Lady Helen the Gracious, and Sir Donald the Elusive for their contributions.
•     My thanks to The Affiliate, http://www.the-grand-barn.com/, of Vankleek Hill, Ontario for regularly printing reviews of the Frontiersman.

— editor

Fitness Perspectives
Source Unknown — forwarded by Kathy, of Idaho Falls, Idaho
•     I don't exercise at all.  If God had meant for us to touch our toes, then he would have put them further up our bodies.
•     I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
•     The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.
•     If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country. 

Does Anybody Know?
Source Unknown — forwarded by Lady Nancy the Enchanting
•     What do you do when you see an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants? 

15x5 Page Background GIF ImageCancellations — If you don't want to keep receiving this newsletter, print REFUSED, RETURN TO SENDER above your name and address, cross out your name and address, and return the newsletter.  When I receive it, I'll terminate your subscription.  You may also cancel by letter, e-mail, carrier pigeon, or any other method that gets the message to me. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageBack Issues — Back issues or extra copies of this newsletter are available upon request. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageReprint Policy — Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this newsletter in its entirety or to reproduce material from it, provided that the reproduction is accurate and that proper credit is given.  Please note that I do not have the authority to give permission to reprint material that I have reprinted from other publications.  For that permission, you must go to the original source.  I would appreciate receiving a courtesy copy of any document or publication in which you reprint my material. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSubmissions — I solicit letters, articles, and cartoons for the newsletter, but I don't pay for them.  Short items are more likely to be printed.  I suggest that letters and articles be shorter than 500 words, but that's flexible depending on space available and the content of the piece.  I give credit for all items printed unless the author specifies otherwise. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImagePayment — This newsletter isn't for sale.  If you care to make a voluntary contribution, you may do so.  The continued existence of the newsletter will depend, in part, on such contributions.  I accept cash and U.S. postage stamps.  I will accept checks or money orders only by prior arrangement.  I don't accept anything that will smell bad by the time it arrives or anything that requires me to provide ID or a signature to receive it.  In case anybody is curious, I also accept gold, silver, platinum, etc.  I'm sure you get the idea.
— Sam Aurelius Milam III, editor

October 2000
Page 4
Frontiersman, 479 E. 700 N., Firth, Idaho  83236
Also see The Pharos Connection at http://www.ida.net/users/pharos/
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