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Frontiersman, December 2010
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Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSometimes, people like me are accused of acting like we're above the law.  I understand the accusation but the vocabulary is flawed.  Actually, the accusation should be that we act like we're above the legislation.
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageLaw vs. Legislation — The term law properly addresses things that are inherent or fundamental.  It addresses things that men observe or discover, such as the law of gravity or the law of supply and demand.  Laws operate of their own accord, whether or not any man is even aware of them.  They don't require enforcement by men.  Any violation of a law will result in a consequence, without the intervention of men.  The term legislation properly addresses the proclamations and declarations of men, usually intended to compel or to prohibit some specified behavior.  Legislation doesn't operate of its own accord.  The violation of legislation might not cause any consequence at all unless such violation is observed by men and such consequence is enforced by men.
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Part 1:  Hierarchy
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe idea that someone can be above the legislation suggests that a hierarchy of status exists in political doctrine.  Such is indeed the case.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSovereigns — Predictably, the definitions of sovereigns that are provided by the dictionaries are deceptive.  Considering that the dictionaries are produced and distributed under government licenses and that the people who read them were educated in the government schools, it isn't surprising that the dictionaries successfully convey misinformation.  The deception regarding sovereigns is a lie of omission.  That is, the idea of sovereign status is restricted to kings, queens, emperors, and "the people" as a theoretical body politic.  I haven't encountered a dictionary in which sovereignty is described as a possible status of an ordinary person.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIn fact, a sovereign is anyone who isn't under the jurisdiction of any institution of government and who doesn't have any obligation to any institution of government.  A sovereign has the highest possible political status.  Anybody can be a sovereign.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageConstitutions — Here's another idea that you won't find in the dictionaries.  A valid constitution is a creature of sovereigns.
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15x5 Page Background GIF Imagecreature .... n. 1.  Something created....  3.  One dependent on or subservient to another; a tool ....
—The American Heritage Dictionary
of the English Language, 1992
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageConstitutions that are made by delegates, that is, by people who are acting under authority that was given to them by other people, are constitutions in name only.  That consideration alone is sufficient to relegate the U.S. constitution to the status of a de facto constitution.1
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageDe facto ....  In fact, in deed, actually.  This phrase is used to characterize an officer, a government, a past action, or a state of affairs which must be accepted for all practical purposes, but is illegal or illegitimate.  Thus, an office, position or status existing under a claim or color of right such as a de facto corporation ....
—Black's Law Dictionary, 1979
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageColor.  An appearance, semblance, or simulacrum, as distinguished from that which is real.  A prima facie or apparent right.  Hence, a deceptive appearance;  a plausible, assumed exterior, concealing a lack of reality;  a disguise or pretext.  See also Colorable ....
—Black's Law Dictionary, 1979
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageA constitution, be it valid or de facto, is a creature of the people who created it.  Thus, sovereigns would be superior in status to a valid constitution that they created.  Similarly, delegates are superior in status to the de facto constitutions that they create.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageGovernments — A legitimate government is a creature of a valid constitution.  A de facto government is a creature of a de facto constitution.  In either case, the status of a gov-

See my essays In Search of the Supreme Flaw of the Land:  Perpetual Union and The Constitution, The Government, and The Doctrine of Social Contract.

Please use the enclosed envelope to send a contribution.  I prefer cash.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.
For PayPal payments, use editor@frontiersman.my3website.net.
December 2010 Frontiersman, c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive, Gainesville, Georgia  30507      Page 1

ernment is inferior to the status of the constitution that created it.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSubjects — Subjects are required to obey the legislation and are thus inferior in status to their governments.
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSubject. Constitutional law [sic].  One that owes allegiance to a sovereign and is governed by his laws [sic] ....  Men in free governments [sic] are subjects as well as citizens;  as citizens they enjoy rights [sic] and franchises;  as subjects they are bound to obey the laws [sic] ....
—Black's Law Dictionary, 1979
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageCitizens — A U.S. citizen is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageAll persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside ....
—U.S. Constitution, Amendment 14, section 1
<underline added>
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe idea of jurisdiction extends to more than just the legislation.  Jurisdiction means power and control generally.
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageJurisdiction.... 1. Law [sic].  The right and power to interpret and apply the law [sic]: courts having jurisdiction in this district. 2.  a.  Authority or control:  islands under U.S. jurisdiction;   a bureau with jurisdiction over Native American affairs.  b.  The extent of authority or control:  a family matter beyond the school's jurisdiction.  3.  The territorial range of authority or control ....
—The American Heritage Dictionary
of the English Language, 1992
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageA legitimate government can have a legitimate jurisdiction.  A de facto government will have a de facto jurisdiction.  A U.S. citizen is inferior in status to the United States.
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Part 2:  Deficiencies
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageBy the time that I was in college, I was beginning to discover and to understand the deficiencies of the United States.  As I began to correctly perceive the situation and to understand the likely future, I realized that both the situation and the future are unacceptable.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI realized that I'd innocently accepted obligations to a government that routinely uses fraud, manipulation, coercion, misrepresentation of the facts, failure to disclose the terms and conditions of its programs, failure to keep its promises, and so forth.  I began to understand that the only options available to U.S. citizens are either compliance, evasion and avoidance, or punishment.  The United States will use any amount of force to control, capture, or punish anyone who's discovered to be out of compliance with its requirements.  That has been true for a long time.  Examples, both large and small, abound.  Among them are the Sioux people who were performing the Ghost Dance at Wounded Knee, The Confederate States of America, the Weaver family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, the Branch Davidians at Mt. Carmel, near Waco, Texas, the MOVE group, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Montana Freemen, near Jordan, Montana, and so forth.  You can make your own list.  Whatever examples you prefer, in those kinds of situations people have been oppressed, displaced, deprived of rights and property, imprisoned, wounded, maimed, or murdered by agents of the United States acting under jurisdictions delegated to the U.S. government by the U.S. constitution.  The operation of the United States is such that the difference between slavery and U.S. citizenship is subtle, if it exists at all.
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Part 3:  Remedy
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageEach individual must discover his own remedy.  For now, most people seem to be content to ignore their condition of servitude, to ignore the fact that things are getting worse, to pretend that they're free, and to relax in their gilded cages.
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMost people don't get interested in politics until the Gestapo kicks down their door.
—Wednesday, February 20, 1991
Milam's Notes
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI'm not as gifted at self-deception as most other people.  I'm not willing to pretend that all is well.  After I understood my situation, I tried to correct it.  I engaged in a series of strategies, none of which worked.2  After I'd tried everything that could reasonably be tried and every effort had failed, my only two remaining options were to either remain in the scheme, thereby legitimizing it, or to divest myself of all connections to it.  I wasn't willing to do anything that would tend to support or to legitimize a fascist police state so I began to divest myself of obligations to the United States.  I did things like rescinding my driver's license, cancelling my Social Security number, al-
For a short synopsis of my efforts, see my essay More Adventures of The Lone Raver.  For a longer account of those efforts, see my memoir Outward Bound.

Please use the enclosed envelope to send a contribution.  I prefer cash.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.
For PayPal payments, use editor@frontiersman.my3website.net.
Page 2 Frontiersman, c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive, Gainesville, Georgia  30507  December 2010

lowing my voter's registration to expire, and so forth.  Within a few years, I terminated all of my obligations to any institution of the United States.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageLater, in 1997, I was told by Kevin Veltfort, a lawyer, that I was still a U.S. citizen because I'd failed to execute the government's procedures for terminating my citizenship.  It's a typically stupid attitude for a lawyer.  He missed the whole point of my position.  I don't need the government's authorization.  I can declare myself to not be a citizen and that's sufficient.  That's the whole point.  The authority resides in me, not in the government.  I'm not a citizen because I say so.  Any opinion to the contrary, inside or outside of the government, is in error.

Part 4:  Conclusion
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIf anyone accuses me of acting like I'm above the law, then I have a few quibbles with the accusation, one of which I've previously noted.  I'll repeat it here again.  I'm not above the law.  I'm above the legislation.  Another quibble is with the inadequate scope of the accusation.  That is, I'm not above just the legislation.  I'm above the citizens, the legislation, the legislatures and the Congress, the government, and the constitution.  Finally, the accusation must be carefully interpreted.  Political status isn't a measure of one's human worth.  It's a measure of one's position within the political hierarchy.  As a human being, I'm not fundamentally superior to anybody else.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageWhether or not I'm successfully a sovereign is probably a matter of opinion.  Even though the thugs who enforce the jurisdiction of the United States don't have any legitimate jurisdiction over me, they'll attack me without mercy if they notice me violating any of their rules.  It won't be possible for an ordinary person to successfully exercise sovereignty until such a thing has become generally accepted.3
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIn the meantime, the authorities might be well advised to understand that revolutions are not made by people.  Revolutions are made by governments.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

See my essay The Long and Winding Doctrine:  Social Contract.

Hack Fu
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI don't know what the hackers have been doing for all of these years.  According to the government news media, they've done nothing but create silly nuisances, make pointless attempts to penetrate or disable databases, and seek the unethical acquisition of wealth.  I'm skeptical about what's reported by the government news media.  I don't know any hackers so I can only speculate.  Maybe they've been doing things that are more useful than what has been reported.  I hope so.  Whatever the case, I recently had a thought that suggests the hackers' dream, his greatest possible challenge.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIf I was the aliens, then I'd long since have established internet access.  Here's the challenge.  If a hacker located the alien's access point to the internet and hacked into their computers, and did it without getting caught, then he'd be the ultimate hacker ever, the legendary hacker for all time.  I can't help but to wonder if the hackers are working on it.  Better yet, maybe it's already been done and the genius who did it is smart enough to keep quiet about it.  That's a secret of which I'd love to be informed.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

Letter to the Editor
Hi Sam
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI especially enjoyed your article in the last Frontiersman about the incidents of near human extinction.

—Stephen, of Hililani, Hawaii
Stray Thoughts
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSacrifice — You don't protect liberty by sacrificing it.  You protect liberty by exercising it.  The Department of Homeland Security is presently the biggest threat to liberty.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageScene of the Crime — Identity theft happens when you get a Social Security number.  After that, your identity cannot be stolen from you because you're no longer its owner.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImagePrimal Space — The universe is the first miracle, the miracle in which all other miracles exist.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

End-of-the-Year Comment
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThis issue marks the completion of seventeen years of continuous publication of the Frontiersman.  I've done it alone, with a little help from some of you (see the Acknowledgments) and with no help at all from most of you.  I'm still unemployed.  Some sort of ongoing contributions would be very helpful.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

Please use the enclosed envelope to send a contribution.  I prefer cash.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.
For PayPal payments, use editor@frontiersman.my3website.net.
December 2010 Frontiersman, c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive, Gainesville, Georgia  30507      Page 3

c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive
Gainesville, Georgia  30507 
A bad example can be as instructive as a good one.
-Sunday, February 17, 1991
Milam's Notes
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMy thanks to the following:  SantaClara Bob;  Lady Jan the Voluptuous;  my mother;  Dewey and Betty;  Stephen, of Mililani, Hawaii;  and FL, of Delano, Calfironia.
— editor
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Court Quotes
From Humor in the Court and More Humor in the Court, by Mary Louise Gilman, editor of the National Shorthand Reporter.  Forwarded by Don G.
Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?
A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol
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Funny Quotes by Famous People
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by Millie, of Baltimore, Maryland
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMy wife has a slight impediment in her speech.  Every now and then she stops to breathe.
—Jimmy Durante
Funny Statements 
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by David, of Idaho Falls, Idaho 
• My girlfriend hates sex in the movies.  She tried it once and the seat folded up.
• My next house won't have a kitchen, just vending machines.
• A husband is someone who takes out the trash and gives the impression that he just cleaned the whole house.
• My blond girlfriend told me, "I was worried that my mechanic might try to rip me off, but I was so relieved when he told me all I needed was blinker fluid".
• I'm so depressed.  I went to the Dr. today and he refused to write me a prescription for Viagra.  He said that it would be like putting a new flagpole on a condemned building.
• A transvestite is a guy who likes to eat, drink, and be Mary. 10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSubscriptions and Back Issues — Printed copies of this newsletter, either subscriptions or back issues, are available by application only.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageCancellations — If you don't want to keep receiving this newsletter, then return it unopened.  When I receive it, I'll terminate your subscription.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageReprint Policy — Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this newsletter in its entirety or to reproduce material from it, provided that the reproduction is accurate and that proper credit is given.  I do not have the authority to give permission to reprint material that I have reprinted from other sources.  For that permission, you must go to the original source.  I would appreciate receiving a courtesy copy of any document or publication in which you reprint my material.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSubmissions — I solicit letters, articles, and cartoons for the newsletter, but I don't pay for them.  Short items are more likely to be printed.  I suggest that letters and articles be shorter than 500 words but that's flexible depending on space available and the content of the piece.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImagePayment — This newsletter isn't for sale.  If you want to make a voluntary contribution, then I prefer cash or U.S. postage stamps.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.  For PayPal payments, use editor@frontiersman.my3website.net.  The continued existence of the newsletter will depend, in part, on such contributions.  I don't accept anything that requires me to provide ID to receive it.  In case anybody's curious, I also accept gold, silver, platinum, etc.
— Sam Aurelius Milam III, editor
Please use the enclosed envelope to send a contribution.  I prefer cash.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.
For PayPal payments, use editor@frontiersman.my3website.net.
Page 4  Frontiersman, c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive, Gainesville, Georgia  30507  December 2010
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