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Frontiersman, November 2018
The Bright Side
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF Image One of the inscriptions on the Georgia Guidestones was “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”  Some nitwits condemned the inscription as racist propaganda.  Some other nitwits, or maybe it was the same nitwits, eventually destroyed the Georgia Guidestones.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image I saw a report in which some nitwits claimed that the size of the human population is decreasing.  They even had a graph that sloped down and to the right.  In fact, the graph didn’t show a change in the size of the human population.  It showed a change in the rate of growth of the human population.  So, only the rate of growth is allegedly decreasing.  The size of the population is still increasing.  See either of the population clocks noted elsewhere in this issue.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The human population in some regions, China for example, has allegedly stabilized, at least temporarily.  Of course, the nitwits in the Chinese government are trying to start it growing again.  It doesn’t matter.  The population of the world is still increasing.  Meanwhile, the consequences continue to accumulate.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Even with our present population, we’re depleting resources faster than they can be replenished.  So, even if we instantly stabilized the population at its present level, our situation would still be unsustainable.  One documentary reported that, if we stopped pumping water out of the Ogallala Aquifer this very day, then it would take 6000 years for it to be replenished to its previous level.  Meanwhile, its level continues to drop, and the population continues to grow.  Another documentary reported that the elevation of ground level in the region being discussed had subsided by a foot or more in recent years, due to the ongoing collapse of the underlying aquifer, as water is being pumped out of it.  If an aquifer collapses, then it probably won’t be possible to replenish it at all, ever.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Aquifers are a major source of water for farming.  Glaciers and mountain snowpacks are also sources of irrigation water, and they’re also being depleted.  After those sources of water are gone, a lot of farmland is going to become desert.  After that, we won’t be able to sustain even the present population.  We certainly won’t be able to sustain the larger population that will result from the continuing growth.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The Greenland ice sheet is the second largest body of ice on the entire planet and, like the glaciers and the snowpack, it’s melting.  As it melts, and the weight of the ice in that location is reduced, the ground level will rebound.  So, we have the ground going down in some places and up in other places.  Such surface changes might affect the flow of the underlying magma.  I doubt if anybody can predict what the consequences of that will be, but I can speculate.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Iceland, not far from Greenland, sits on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, in a rift where the junction between the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate stretches over a magma plume.  As the nearby ground level rises, then the tectonic plates might be affected.  The North American Plate might tend to pull further away from the Eurasian Plate.  Maybe that’s the reason for what seems to be a recent increase in volcanic activity in Iceland.  The magma plume is already near the surface.  The situation there is already scary enough, without the tectonic plates pulling further apart.  Ponder the Siberian Traps, and the eruptive event that caused them.  Could such a thing happen again?  Are we, ourselves, capable of triggering such an event?  I don’t know, but that eruptive event is noted as the cause of the largest extinction event in the history of life on this planet, and of several subsequent extinction events.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Unlike the Arctic ice pack, which floats, the Antarctic ice sits on solid ground.  Suppose that the Antarctic ice melted asymmetrically.  Near the pole, the centrifugal force of the planet’s spin is nearly parallel to the ground.  So, if the weight of the Antarctic ice cap became significantly asymmetrical, with regard to the spinning planet, then the unbalanced centrifugal force might actually tend to pull the entire Antarctic land mass sideways on the mantle.  Consider those “lunatic fringe” theories about pole shift.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Sometime during 2013, I did a little research to find out about the aquifer that supplies the water at Yellowstone.  I assumed that there was such an aquifer because of the large
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Worldometer Population Clock
U.S. Census Bureau Population Clock

Typical Population Curve

amount of steam that comes out of the ground there.  I was disturbed to discover that there doesn’t seem to be any such aquifer.  There are various geological formations that have some water in them but, apparently, not a regional aquifer, like the Ogallala Aquifer.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The geological record suggests that the super volcano under Yellowstone has exploded from time to time in the past, most recently about 2.1 million years ago, about 1.4 million years ago, and about 700,000 years ago.  Do the arithmetic.  It seems that the super volcano explodes about every 700,000 years.  It’s been about 700,000 years.  It might be time for another such explosion.  Such an explosion today might cause at least a partial extinction event over a large part of the North American continent.  Is it possible that we, ourselves, could trigger such an explosion?  I don’t know but, again, I can speculate.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image When the water boils in a tea pot, the steam whistling out of the spout carries heat away, and keeps the bottom of the tea pot from overheating and maybe even melting.  I suggest that the same thing could be true at Yellowstone.  The magma plume is very near to the surface, just a few miles down, less than the distance from here to town.  That’s a scary thought.  All of that steam might be what keeps the planetary crust, just above the magma plume, from melting.  If the supply of water is depleted, and the steam stops carrying away the heat, then the crust might melt.  We’ve been depleting aquifers all over the world.  There isn’t any reason to believe that the situation at Yellowstone is any different.  Yellowstone doesn’t even have a large, regional aquifer, just some little pockets of water, and we’re depleting them.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Here’s another consideration.  Depending on how you define the difference between a man-made reservoir and a man-made lake, there are, reportedly, from about 8,000 to about 53,000 such man-made bodies of water on the planet.  Whatever the actual number might be, that’s a lot of water, and it’s all been elevated above the level that it would otherwise have occupied.  One documentary, during a discussion of that circumstance, asserted that there has been enough such water elevated, and that it has been elevated by a sufficient amount, that it has effectively increased the diameter of the planet, thereby causing a measurable reduction in the planet’s rate of spin.  I don’t know if that’s nonsense, but that’s what was reported on the documentary.  However, here’s a related thought, not from any documentary, but one of my own speculations.  It’s been estimated that, if the Greenland ice sheet melted, that alone would increase sea level by 24 feet.  Other melting ice would add substantially to that increase.  If sea level increases by 24 feet, or more, then the diameter of the planet will have increased by 48 feet, or more.  Maybe that doesn’t seem like much but it might be enough to affect the rate of spin.  Maybe not.  Maybe the idea is nonsense.  I don’t know, but consider the news reports about the undersea earthquake that caused the big tsunami in the Pacific a few years ago.  At least one of those reports claimed that the earthquake had raised the floor of the ocean by a sufficient amount above its previous level that it caused a significant increase in the diameter of the planet, and a measurable decrease in the rate of spin of the planet.  Again, I don’t know if the idea is nonsense, but that’s what was reported.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image This reporting about a change in the rate of spin of the planet could be alarmist nonsense, for the sake of ratings.  I don’t know but, for the sake of speculation, assume that such a thing could happen.  In that connection, consider geometry and Newton’s Laws.  If the rate of spin of the planet changes, then the change in angular speed will not be uniform with elevation.  The outer part of a spinning object moves faster than the inner part of the object.  So, the change in speed will be greater near the surface of the planet and less below the surface.  Any change in speed requires the application of a force, and a different change in speed requires a different amount of force.  When (if) the rate of spin of the planet changes, a different amount of force will have to be applied to material, according to its elevation.  The force will be applied to the moving material by interaction with the material above it or below it.  Given masses of material on a planetary scale, that’s a lot of force, even with a small change in the rate of spin.  A lot of stress could be generated within the planet.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image We know that the tectonic plates and the land masses move relative to one another, and relative to the underlying mantle.  We know that different regions in the mantle move relative to one another.  Things that change the rate of spin of the planet might affect the movement of the various masses.  I’m not speculating here about new motions, but

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only about changes in motions that already exist.  If the crust of the planet suddenly slid sideways on the mantle, then that wouldn’t be a change in its behavior, only a change in the magnitude of its behavior.  It’s already moving, and we’re doing things that might possibly make it move even more.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Legends and ancient history are filled with accounts of cataclysmic environmental events and Earth changes.  Maybe some of those tales grew in the telling.  Maybe some of them are true.  Maybe such things could happen again.  I don’t know but, if any of this stuff actually comes to pass, then look at the bright side.  Maybe it will reduce the number of nitwits in the world.10x5 Page Background GIF Image Gun
Closing Credits
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF Image I see various things that suggest to me that there are problems at PBS.   For example, the morning edition of BBC World News America on Wednesday, May 1, was a rerun of the same program from the previous day, complete with the same live reports and breaking news.  PBS runs those programs twice each morning, one after the other, on different broadcast channels.  That morning, both programs were the same reruns with the same live reports and breaking news.  On Tuesday, June 11, the first showing of that program wasn’t even a news program.  After the normal opening credits, the entire program was three women discussing their job histories.  The second showing that morning was the normal news program.  I don’t know if those reruns and the glitch were caused by a failure of BBC to provide the correct content or by a failure of PBS to present the content when it was provided.  Either way, it seems to me that PBS is having some difficulty in finding or scheduling relevant content.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image There are also a lot of reruns.  The British sitcom Keeping Up Appearances is one of many good examples.  There are about 40 episodes of that comedy but PBS shows the same half dozen or so over and over again.  PBS uses short clips from Rick Steves’ Europe as fillers, between programs in the morning.  I’ve seen them run one or the other of the same two clips, for months at a time.  For more than a week, recently, Amanpour & Company, a current events interview news program, was reruns from several months earlier.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image I’ve been watching PBS for several decades and I’ve noticed, lately, what appears to be a reduction in the number of documentaries and an increase in the number of propaganda pieces.  In case there’s any doubt, a documentary provides information.  A propaganda piece promotes an agenda.  Maybe PBS is losing control of its programming.  I can remember when PBS was a non-commercial network.  Nowadays, it seems to be about as commercial as the commercial networks.  It’s also sponsored by a large number of “foundations”, and so forth.  The sponsors always make the rules.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Here’s another observation.  The network has four broadcast channels in my area, one of which shows cartoons and other kid’s shows, seven days a week and 24 hours a day.  Even so, the main PBS channel shows cartoons from 6:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon, five days a week.  Isn’t there something more important that they could show during that time?  Maybe not.  I don’t know.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Speaking of cartoons, I can remember when they were funny.  What little I’ve seen of them on PBS lately, just clicking past them, suggests that, nowadays, they’re mostly propaganda pieces, brainwashing kids with an agenda of political correctness.  I can still see the old cartoons on Saturday mornings, but not on PBS.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image I can only wonder about the problems at PBS but it seems to me that something is amiss.  I wonder if it could be part of a larger institutional malaise.  Maybe the worldwide socioeconomic Ponzi scheme is failing.  See Essays About Money, Taxes, and Corporations, in Pharos.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Sam Aurelius Milam III

15x5 Page Background GIF Image For many decades, women have demanded the same considerations in the workplace that the men are getting.  That could be a real bummer for the women because, in the name of gender equality, the men could demand the same considerations in the workplace that the women are getting.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Women have always insisted that the woman gets to decide whether or not she was sexually harassed, regardless of the man’s opinion.  For the sake of gender equality, the same consideration should exist for men.  A man should get to decide whether or not he was sexually provoked, regardless of the woman’s opinion.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image When a woman sashays into the cubicle and causes a man to feel sexually provoked, then he should be able to have her reprimanded for sexual provocation.  Her opinion in the matter should be irrelevant.  The man should get to decide.  That’s the way that it works for sexual harassment of women and that’s the way that it should work for sexual provocation of men.  Provocation and harassment are two sides of the same coin.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageMale Symbol
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15x5 Page Background GIF Image The longer we wait to solve an environmental problem, the fewer choices we will have.  If we wait long enough, then we probably won’t have to make any choices at all.  However, the resulting environment might be one in which we’re not included.
—Thursday, August 1, 1974
Milam’s Notes



15x5 Page Background GIF Image My thanks to the following:  El Dorado Bob;  Betty;  Eric, of Stockton, California;  and Sir Donald the Elusive.
— editor
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Bob’s Eightieth Birthday
As retold by Sam Aurelius Milam III.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Bob’s friends decided to play a prank on him for his 80th birthday.  So, they hired a prostitute for the evening and sent her to Bob’s address.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image She arrived and knocked on the door.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Bob struggled up from his easy chair, hobbled across the room, and opened the door.  There she stood, in all of her splendor, and a few bits of clothes.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Bob stared at her for a few moments and then, in a high, quivering, squeaky voice, demanded, “Who the hell are you?”
15x5 Page Background GIF Image She replied, “I’m your birthday gift”, and she wiggled.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Bob stared at her for a few more moments and then demanded, in a high, quivering, squeaky voice, “Well, what the hell do you do?”
15x5 Page Background GIF Image She replied, “I do super sex”, and she smiled.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Bob stepped back to make room for her to walk through the door.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image He closed the door and said, in a high, quivering, squeaky voice, “I’ll take the soup.”10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol    

15x5 Page Background GIF Image Availability — Assuming the availability of sufficient funds, subscriptions to this newsletter in print, copies of past issues in print, and copies of the website on disks are available upon request.  Funding for this newsletter is from sources over which I don't have any control, so it might become necessary for me to terminate these offers or to cancel one or more subscriptions at any time, without notice.  All past issues are presently available for free download at the internet address shown below.  Contributions are welcome.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Cancellations — If you don't want to keep receiving printed copies of this newsletter, then return your copy unopened.  When I receive it, I'll terminate your subscription.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Reprint Policy — Permission is hereby given to reproduce this newsletter in its entirety or to reproduce material from it, provided that the reproduction is accurate and that proper credit is given.  I do not have the authority to give permission to reprint material that I have reprinted from other sources.  For that permission, you must apply to the original source.  I would appreciate receiving a courtesy copy of any document or publication in which you reprint my material.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Submissions — I consider letters, articles, and cartoons for the newsletter, but I don't pay for them.  Short items are more likely to be printed.  I suggest that letters and articles be shorter than 500 words but that's flexible depending on space available and the content of the piece.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Payment — This newsletter isn't for sale.  If you want to make a voluntary contribution, then I prefer cash or U.S. postage stamps.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.  You can use editor@frontiersman.org.uk for PayPal payments.  In case anybody's curious, I also accept gold, silver, platinum, etc.  I don't accept anything that requires me to provide ID to receive it.
— Sam Aurelius Milam III, editor
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If you use all but the last one of your odds and ends, then what do you call the one that remains?

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