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Frontiersman, June 2011
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Walking the Line
Sam Aurelius Milam III

15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.
—Steve Biko
South African activist
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMany years ago, I attended a preschool graduation ceremony for Katrina, the younger of my two daughters.  I hasten to note that I wasn't responsible for subjecting Katrina to the influence of a preschool.  That was entirely her mother's idea.  For those of you who're curious, that entire story is available on Pharos, among my various other adventures and misadventures.  Anyway, after the graduation ceremony, I spoke briefly and for the first time with Katrina's teacher.  At first, the woman seemed happy to see me.  She commented that Katrina was doing well in everything except discipline.  In that regard, she continued, Katrina was a bit uncooperative and tended not to follow instructions.  I told her that I believed such behavior to be a good thing.  The schools, I stated, try too hard to dictate the children's attitudes.  The teacher's face lost all expression.  She turned and walked away from me, not even bothering to say goodbye.  It was as if I had suddenly ceased to exist.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI'm familiar with the routine about obedience.  I see it in operation all around me, particularly as I observe the circumstances of the young people with whom I'm occasionally in contact.  I commented at length on some of my own experiences in obedience conditioning in Just Say the Word, in the June 2010 issue of this newsletter.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageConditioning people to obedience is of great benefit to government.  In occupied Europe, the Gestapo sent letters to Jewish families, instructing them to arrive at specified places, at specified times, with one suitcase each.  Their conditioning must have been powerful.  They did exactly as they were instructed to do.  When they arrived at the specified places, at the specified times, they were sent away to concentration camps.  The Gestapo thugs didn't even have to go to their houses to arrest them.  The Jews just walked right into the custody of their captors, as instructed.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe attempted extermination of the Jews came as close to success as it did, at least in part, because so many of the Jews cooperated.  Many years ago somebody, I don't remember who (Heinlein, I think), commented that, if every Jew who was killed by a German had killed a German in the process, then not very many Jews would have been killed.  Maybe it's presumptuous of somebody who wasn't there to make such a claim but the claim could still be valid.  Maybe it's presumptuous of me to suppose that I understand why the Jews behaved as they did.  Even so, I feel sorry for them not just because so many of them were killed but also because so few of them resisted.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIt's a sad fact that people who try to resist the government often end up fighting alone or in small groups.1  My own experience in that regard is limited.  However, I do have a small amount of such experience.  For about five or six years, beginning early in 1991, I was in a confrontation with the thugs who work at the DA's office in Santa Clara County, California.  I confess that, for most of that time, I was afraid.  For most of that time, I stayed in my house as much as possible, fearful of leaving the property or even of going outside of the house.  On more than one occasion, I ducked inside of the house when I saw a cop looking my direction.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageFor those of you who're interested, the entire story is available on Pharos, along with some of my other adventures and misadventures.  Although it's an interesting story, only a small part of it is relevant to this article.  I didn't write down the date at the time so I can't be specific about exactly when that part of the story happened.  It was sometime during the middle 1990s.  On that day, I saw some cops prowling around outside of my property.  I knew that the DA was after me.  I knew that there was an arrest warrant against me.  That being the case, I was afraid that the cops
The Weaver Family, Ruby Ridge, Idaho
The Montana Freemen

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For PayPal payments, use Frontiersman@manlymail.net.
June 2011 Frontiersman, c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive, Gainesville, Georgia  30507      Page 1

were planning to break into my house.  I'd warned the DA's thugs, in a series of letters, that I intended to defend myself if they invaded my home.  When I saw the prowling thugs, I put on my flack jacket, hid behind a chair in my living room, and pointed my rifle at the front door.  For some reason that's unknown to me, they didn't break into my home.  Instead, they went away.  The important point is that in spite of the near certainty that I wouldn't survive the confrontation, I was willing to make the attempt to defend myself, my home, and the principles in which I believed, to the best of my ability, using the maximum amount of force that was available to me, utterly alone.  Liberty happens one person at a time.  If individuals aren't willing to defend their liberty individually, then there won't be any liberty.  Maybe my attitude toward the Jews isn't so presumptuous after all.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageWith such things in mind, let's get back to what we're doing to our young people.  We indoctrinate them to do as they're told.  Any student who doesn't cooperate in the schools is regarded as a misfit or, worse yet, he's medicated into submission.  Life after the schools isn't much better but the schools have become government training and indoctrination camps, complete with guards, fences, ID requirements, and searches.  Some of them even require the students to wear uniforms.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe students learn what we teach them.  They learn not to resist.  They learn not to ask certain kinds of questions.  They learn not to think in certain directions.  Occasional highly visible mavericks might give the impression of youth run amuck but the ease with which the government is able to deceive and manipulate the people proves my point.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageWhat are we thinking?  Students should never be trained to mindlessly obey.  They should learn to examine every instruction that's given to them by any agent of the government.  They should be taught to demand the pedigree of every claim of authority over them.  They should be taught to resist any attempt to control them by people who cannot prove the legitimacy of their authority.  They should learn that jurisdiction is voluntary.  They should learn that they're obligated to obey only when they have knowingly and without coercion agreed to such an obligation.  They should learn that all obligation to obey is removed when obedience is demanded by way of coercion, threat, or duress.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe only way that people will have liberty is if they understand the necessity of defending it and if they're able to do so.  Their ability in that regard must be commensurate with the threats that they face.  Of the various threats to liberty, government is probably the most pervasive and the most dangerous.  Thus, if government thugs wear body armor while attacking people, then people should possess armor-piercing ammunition.  If the government thugs use army tanks to punch holes in the walls of civilian buildings,2  then civilians should be armed with anti-tank weapons.  If the thugs drop bombs onto houses from helicopters,3  then the occupants of houses should be armed with surface-to-air missiles.  The best and the only legitimate way for a government to discourage people from possessing such weapons is to avoid ever giving them a reason to do so.  In practice, the people can't afford to wait until they've been given such a reason.  By then, it will be too late to acquire the weapons.  Possession of them will already have become illegal.  Thus, included in the price of liberty, along with eternal vigilance, is eternal armament.  The attempted prohibition, by any government, of the possession of any type of weapons by the people is, in and of itself, a sufficient reason to overthrow that government.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image...all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed....
—from the Declaration of Independence
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMost people, even those who understand the importance of possessing powerful weapons, would rather not possess such weapons.  They'd prefer to spend their resources on other things.  However, first and foremost, even before the weapons, self defense is an attitude.  That's why the situation in the schools is so outrageous.  Self defense against government is prevented by the schools before it's even a concept in the minds of the future citizens.  People can't defend themselves if they won't defend themselves.  They won't defend themselves if they've been trained to not do so.  It's in the schools that the oppressor first captures and imprisons the minds of the oppressed.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

Branch Davidians, the Mt. Carmel Center
MOVE, Cobbs Creek area of West Philadelphia

Please use the enclosed envelope to send a contribution.  I prefer cash.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.
For PayPal payments, use Frontiersman@manlymail.net.
Page 2 Frontiersman, c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive, Gainesville, Georgia  30507  June 2011

Letters to the Editor
Sam, Thank you so very much for all you do!  Most Sincerely,
—Gayle;  Castro Valley, California
Congrats, Sam.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageYou have produced yet another super newsletter [May 2011].  Please allow me a few comments.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageYour position on reformers was right on.  I am an old phartosipher who remembers when booze was prohibited but dope was not.  How many died as a consequence of that most famous do-gooder, Carrie Nation.  She was a piker, though compared to the drug warriors.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI especially appreciate your term, privilege of custody in your "Right Treatment" piece [May 2011, page 1].  I have added it to my lexicon of freedom.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageYour comment on love and insanity is true but it is not man's fault [May 2011, page 2].  It was caused by men being created with a brain and a penis but not enough blood to run both of them at the same time.  (Is that from a previous Frontiersman article?)
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageAbout Restart Earth [May 2011, page 3]:  Be advised that time capsules are not needed.  You said it yourself, "Living things are fragile but life is tenacious."  Life will start again spontaneously with no help from us.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageLet's give anarchy another chance.
—Bob Links
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThank you for your comments.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe statement about a man's blood supply appeared in two different Frontiersman issues, June 1998, on page 4, and October 2010, on page 2.  I don't know the origin of the statement.  I heard it on The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer, on Friday, April 3, 1998.  On that program, the statement was made by Historian Stephen Ambrose.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe statement about life being tenacious comes from Milam's Notes and is dated Monday, July 31, 1989.  Yes, you're correct.  Life will arise without any help from us.  I just thought that the time capsules might reduce the recovery time.  I might be wrong.  They might not work at all.
Old Timers’ Lore
Overheard by Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageOld Girlfriend — I'll never forget good ol’ what's-'er-name.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

Life Explained
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by Millie, of Baltimore, Maryland.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageOn the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past.  For this, I will give you twenty years of life."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe dog said, "That's a long time to bark.  How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageGod agreed.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageOn the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh.  For this, I will give you a twenty-year life span."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe monkey said, "Monkey tricks for twenty years?  That's a pretty long time to perform tricks.  How about I give you back ten like the dog did?"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageGod agreed.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageOn the third day, God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves, and give milk to support the farmer's family.  For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe cow said, "That's kind of a long time to live such a tough life.  How about twenty and I will give back the other forty?"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageGod agreed again.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageOn the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry, and enjoy your life.  For this, I will give you twenty years."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe human said, "Only twenty years?  Could you possibly give me my twenty and then give me the forty that the cow gave back, the ten that the monkey gave back, and the ten that the dog gave back?  That makes eighty, okay?"
15x5 Page Background GIF Image"Okay," said God, "You asked for it."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSo that is why for our first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, and enjoy ourselves.  For the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our families.  For the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren.  For the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageLife has now been explained to you.  There isn't any need to thank me for this valuable information.  I'm doing it as a public service.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

Paleontology Lesson
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by Don G.
Q:  What do you call a dinosaur in cowboy boots?
A:  Tyrannosaurus Tex.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

Please use the enclosed envelope to send a contribution.  I prefer cash.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.
For PayPal payments, use Frontiersman@manlymail.net.
June 2011 Frontiersman, c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive, Gainesville, Georgia  30507      Page 3

c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive
Gainesville, Georgia  30507 
fascism....  2.  any system of government in which property is privately owned, but all industry and business is regulated by a strong national government. n.
Thorndike Century Senior Dictionary
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMy thanks to the following:  SantaClara Bob;  Lady Jan the Voluptuous;  my mother;  Dewey and Betty;  Gayle, of Castro Valley, California;  Bob Links;  and FL, of Represa, California.
— editor
Interesting Facts
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by Steve, of Mililani, Hawaii
Q: What occurs more often in December than in any other month?
A: Conception.
Q: Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what?
A: Their birthplaces.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by David, of Idaho Falls, Idaho
I took an IQ test and it came back negative.
Atheism is a non prophet organization.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol
Actual Instructions on Consumer Products
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by David, of Idaho Falls, Idaho
On Boot's Children's Cough Medicine:
"Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication."
On most brands of Christmas lights:
"For indoor or outdoor use only"
On a Japanese food processor:
"Not to be used for the other use."
On Sainsbury's peanuts:
"Warning:  Contains nuts."
On an American Airlines packet of nuts:
"Instructions:  Open packet, eat nuts."
On a child's Superman costume:
"Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly."
On a Swedish chain saw:
"Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSubscriptions and Back Issues — Printed copies of this newsletter, either subscriptions or back issues, are available by application only.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageCancellations — If you don't want to keep receiving this newsletter, then return it unopened.  When I receive it, I'll terminate your subscription.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageReprint Policy — Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this newsletter in its entirety or to reproduce material from it, provided that the reproduction is accurate and that proper credit is given.  I do not have the authority to give permission to reprint material that I have reprinted from other sources.  For that permission, you must go to the original source.  I would appreciate receiving a courtesy copy of any document or publication in which you reprint my material.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSubmissions — I solicit letters, articles, and cartoons for the newsletter, but I don't pay for them.  Short items are more likely to be printed.  I suggest that letters and articles be shorter than 500 words but that's flexible depending on space available and the content of the piece.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImagePayment — This newsletter isn't for sale.  If you want to make a voluntary contribution, then I prefer cash or U.S. postage stamps.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.  For PayPal payments, use Frontiersman@manlymail.net.  The continued existence of the newsletter will depend, in part, on such contributions.  I don't accept anything that requires me to provide ID to receive it.  In case anybody's curious, I also accept gold, silver, platinum, etc.
— Sam Aurelius Milam III, editor
Please use the enclosed envelope to send a contribution.  I prefer cash.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.
For PayPal payments, use Frontiersman@manlymail.net.
Page 4  Frontiersman, c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive, Gainesville, Georgia  30507  June 2011
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