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Frontiersman, February 2016
Some Good Ideas
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThis month, I'll be 72 years old.  I've been engaged in my pursuit of liberty for close to 50 years.  It's difficult to know exactly when that pursuit began.  It was gradual and it was a long time ago.  My essays, which I began writing sometime during the 1980's, have been a big part of that pursuit.  I've been publishing this newsletter for almost 25 years.  I know when that started.  The first issue was in January of 1994.  Some of the ideas that I've presented in my writing are as important as any ideas that have ever been presented, anywhere on this planet.  Here are three of them.
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•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIn 1989, in The Ravings of a Mad Man, I developed the only existing useful definition of political rights.  In that essay, I used the term common rights instead of the term political rights, but either term will do.
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageA right (or a common right) is something that's within your ability, for which you don't need permission, and that will be generally or customarily approved or at least tolerated.
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThat definition is the only useful one in existence because it's a definition, not a list, because it doesn't confuse rights with privileges or entitlements, and because it's the only definition that's general, concise, and unambiguous.  The essay is available in Pharos.
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•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIn 1990, while I was writing my essay The Long and Winding Doctrine:  Social Contract, I discovered the only necessary and sufficient defining principle of lawful government.
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe legitimate boundaries of lawful government are not geographical.  They are contractual.
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThat deceptively simple statement expresses the most important political principle that's ever been discovered.  An understanding of it changes everything.  The essay is available in Pharos.
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•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIn 1992, in The Principles of Liberty, I compiled and analyzed some of those principles.  There might be others but I presented seven of them in the essay.  My analysis examines the parameters of those seven principles, which address seven different topics:  Cause of Action;  Obligation;  Presumption of Innocence;  Burden of Proof;  Self Incrimination;  Silence;  and Jurisdiction.  A more concise presentation of the principles, without the analysis, is available as a PDF file in The Sovereign's Library.  The essay is available in Pharos.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI haven't seen much of an indication that my work has made things better.  Maybe without it, things would be even worse.  I don't know.  Either way, the current sorry state of things isn't an indictment of either me or my work.  It's an indictment of people who promote excessive or repressive government, and who sacrifice liberty for convenience or security.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageIt remains to be seen whether or not things will get better.  That will depend not on me, but on other people.  They need to do what's right, instead of what's easy.  That doesn't mean that we need groups of activists trying to regulate the behavior of everybody but themselves.  Such evangelism is a part of the problem, not a part of the solution.  What we need is for each individual to educate himself, to stop being brainwashed and mentally conditioned, to start thinking for himself, to stop whining to government to coddle him, to govern his own behavior with an understanding of its consequences, and to be considerate of the effect that he has on others.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

Some Good Suggestions
Sam Aurelius Milam III
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMake driver's licenses voluntary.
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMake vehicle registration voluntary.
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMake seat belt and child-seat use voluntary.
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMake insurance voluntary.
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMake building codes voluntary.
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMake Social Security voluntary.
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMake citizenship voluntary.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

Letters to the Editor
Dear Sam
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageGreetings to you.  Just received your latest newsletter July 2018.  I noticed a letter [July, page 3] in it about what I was explaining [June, page 3] to you about what's going on in CDCr.  I am not going to disrespect this prisoner who wrote challenging my words of truth.  But here's the deal.  I am a level 4 prisoner.  A lifer.  And at the prison I am at they are running a pilot program for a non-designated level 4 program yard/building.  Come to find out this is the only one in the state.  They have been running this non-designated video on the

September 2018 Frontiersman,0c/o 4984 Peach Mountain Drive, Gainesville, Georgia  30507
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prison/movie channel now explaining they are trying to phase out SNY/PC yards.  They are mixing many mainline & SNY prisoners on level 1's & 2's.  4B here is an old SHU yard they are testing mixing level 4's.  I was released from AD-SEQ (the hole) a few weeks back.  And not long after going back to this non-designated program I was attacked in the day room and had to defend myself.  Enclosed is the write-up so you see the truth yourself of what they/the guards reported.  I'm back in the hole right now waiting on my property.  Note;  this fight was going on about 2 minutes maybe a little less before the guards even seen the fight.  This fight was a carry over from the violence I was in the last time I came to the hole.  And I'm not giving up game or bragging when I write you of these issues, but telling you the truth in its rawest form and I believe that's what the Frontiersman is all about.  Facing the truth.  And yes, he's right about one thing.  I am a J-cat! Ramon Face  23 years of pain and struggle in the worst hell holes this system has to offer has screwed me up in many ways.  Mostly depression.  But being sick with depression issues does not diminish the facts of violence and the conditions I must live under in this prison system.  Because I deal with depression my struggle is even harder than prisoners who do not deal with such issues.  And from what I know even the level 1's & 2's have been violent because of this mixing of SNY & mainline prisoners.  Where is this prisoner housed who responded, Camp Snoopy?  I know other prisoners who read your paper must know about CDCr trying to phase out all SNY yards and the violence that is going on.  And I'd like to hear how they feel about it.  Well I want to get this to you fast Sam.  I only deal in truth, comrade.  Am I a lesser human being because of depression?
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI want to make it clear, they are using us here as lab rats.  This is the only place in the prison system on 4B yard old Corcoran SHU now revamped into level pilot program for level 4 non-designated housing.  And they are allowing the violence.  They just keep sending us back no matter how bad we are hurt or hurt someone else.  I'm probably going back soon.  Even with that knife I was in the fight with.  Oh I'm sorry if I'm bragging but you know it's not a lie.  You have the RVR yourself.
—a prisoner, Corcoran, California
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImagePlease subscribe me to your newsletter.  I just picked up a copy of your mag at the local anarchist book store.  Good stuff.  Keep fighting the good fight.  Regards,
— Brett S,
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThank you for your message.  I'll start a subscription for you.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageFunding for this newsletter is from sources over which I don't have any control, so it's possible that I might have to cancel your subscription at some time in the future, without notice.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageAll issues of the Frontiersman are available in the website.   The website address is shown at the bottom of this page.  In addition to the HTML file, you can view PDF files.  If you print the "PDF Version of This Issue to Print", then you'll get a replica of what I send through the U.S. mail.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI also notify some subscribers via email when a new issue becomes available.  That reduces my expenses by relieving me of the necessity of printing paper copies and sending them through the U.S. mail.  I encourage you to consider that option.
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Hi Sam,
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI hope this finds you very well.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThis moment I am watching a fairly new TV show (about 3rd or 4th episode — once weekly) entitled "Whistleblower".  It's on CBS-TV, Fridays 9 — 10 PM.  If my memory is right that I think you used to work for/at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in Livermore (is that correct?) — you should see this Whistleblower episode.  If my memory is correct concerning the conditions or events that resulted in your leaving there, I think you'll find interesting parallels in the TV episode that reveals shocking corruption  crimes & safety problems of alarming proportions at Los Alamos Nat'l Laboratory in New Mexico — run by California UCLA.  2 ex-cops retired, were hired for security there & discovered unbelievable corruption, fraud, theft (of $billions) — & became whistleblowers.  Please go online & check out the episode.  I'd like to hear your thoughts after you see it all.  Maybe you could write the show & possibly even win some recognition or reward for what Lawrence put you through for doing the right thing against all the corruption there.  I'd guess there's a lot more corruption at Livermore to uncover, still.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThanks for another great Frontiersman (& all the others ongoing, too).
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThis latest issue was, to me, more reminiscent of your older issues (years ago) when you did more of the writing of the contents.  Your page 1 (Aug 2018 issue) [Seven Notes, Play ’em Again, Sam] puts into a very effective nutshell your spot on insights & genius of perception that very few others in this generation (& few in every/any generation) have the ability to naturally see.  Yet once pointed out, as you do, it becomes crystal clear — but still to only a

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small minority w/eyes that see and a mind that can think.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageAlthough I know all the points you elaborated, (except the info about Israel Saenz), you've put this into a concise gem with which I hope I can open other peoples' minds;  possibly even use it for a speech in my Toastmasters Club here in the prison.  I've been voted best speaker & evaluator out of several competitions, 3 or 4 times in a row — not because I am any sort of great speaker, but largely because of the impactful topics I've chosen to speak on.  Your page 1 of this Frontiersman might be a good centerpiece of one of my future topics.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImagePrinciples of Legislation [August insert]:  Also right on target.  A few are real gems, like first applying all statutes to the scoundrels that create them.  There may be room for one more.  Abolish all statutes that violate your refurbished constitutionLazor Face;  and that were passed by use of any kind of fraud, such as having never read a statute in entirety or understood it completely, yet voted it into so-called "law";  trading votes on various statutes tit-for-tat, violating the single subject provision that limit all proposed legislation to one subject only, & maybe even a paragraph on section limitation (versus ±30,000 page statutes like some today).  Altho I note your 1 year expiration principle would come close to 100% of these issues.
—a prisoner, Soledad, California
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI worked at the General Electric Company, in San Jose, California.  I told that story in my memoir Outward Bound.  The memoir is available in Pharos.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe refurbished constitution isn't actually a constitution.  It's a treaty.  I named it Treaty for an Alliance of American States.  It's available in Pharos.
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Dear Sam,
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageHello, how are you.  I pray all is well.  First let me respond to your August Frontiersman.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageYour "seven notes" article [August, page 1] are nails hit on the head.  But as for people becoming smarter and learning, it will never happen.  One man who thinks as an individual, is a smart man because he makes an opinion based on his own opinions.  But the minute you get a group of men together, we make decisions based on what we "think" our peers want to hear.  In short, U.S.A. citizens are cattle....
—a prisoner, Soledad, California

Three Nuns at the Pearly Gates
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by Carolyn, of Sierra Vista, Arizona.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThree nuns died and arrived at The Pearly Gates, where they were welcomed by Saint Peter.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image"Ladies!  Welcome to Heaven!  To gain entrance, you must each answer one question."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageHe asked the first Nun, "Who was the first man?"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageShe replied, "Adam!"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSaint Peter smiled, stepped aside, and motioned the Nun to pass through. 
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageHe asked the second Nun, "Who was the first woman?"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageShe replied, "Eve!"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSaint Peter smiled, stepped aside, and motioned the Nun to pass through.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageHe asked the third Nun, "What was the first thing that Eve said to Adam?"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe third Nun frowned and pondered.  She searched her memory for any scripture that she'd ever read in the Bible, or for any sermon that she'd ever heard, that referred to the event.  No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't recall any clue as to what Eve's first words to Adam had been.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageDeep in thought, she muttered, "That's really a hard one."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSaint Peter smiled, stepped aside, and motioned the Nun to pass through.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

Engineering Analysis
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by Millie, of Superior, Arizona.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageA priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers.  The engineer fumed, "What's wrong with those guys?  We must have been waiting here for fifteen minutes!"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe doctor chimed in, "I don't know, but I've never seen such inept golf!"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe priest said, "Here comes the green-keeper.  Let's have a word with him."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageHe said, "Hello George, what's wrong with that group ahead of us?  They're rather slow, aren't  they?"
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe green-keeper replied, "Oh, yes. That's a group of blind firemen.  They lost their sight while saving our clubhouse from a fire last year.  We always let them play for free, anytime."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe group fell silent for a moment.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe priest said, "That's so sad that I'm going to say a special prayer for them tonight."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe doctor said, "Good idea.  I'm going to contact an ophthalmologist who sometimes works with me.  There might be something that he can do for them."
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe engineer asked, "Why can't they play at night?"10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

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Gainesville, Georgia  30507
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMy reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
—Thomas Jefferson
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageMy thanks to the following:  El Dorado Bob;  and Betty.
— editor
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15x5 Page Background GIF Imagehttp://moonlight-flea-market.com/
15x5 Page Background GIF Imagehttp://pharos.org.uk/
15x5 Page Background GIF Imagehttp://sam-aurelius-milam-iii.org.uk/
15x5 Page Background GIF Imagehttp://sovereign-library.org.uk/10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by Jeffrey, of Idaho Falls, Idaho.
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageDormitory Dirty Room
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageDesperation A Rope Ends It
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe Morse Code Here come Dots
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSlot Machines Cash Lost in 'em
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageAnimosity Is No Amity
•15x5 Page Background GIF ImageAlec Guinness Genuine Class10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

Business Failure
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by Don G.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageTwo buddies met for the first time in twenty years. "So, how's life been for you?" one asked.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image"Not so good," replied the other. "My first wife died of cancer;  my second wife turned out to be a lesbian and ran off with another woman and took all our savings;  my son's in prison for trying to kill me;  my daughter got run over by a bus;  my house was hit by a low-flying aircraft;  my vintage car rolled off the dockside into the sea;  I had to have my dog put down recently;  my doctor says that I have an incurable disease;  and to cap it all my business has just gone bust."
15x5 Page Background GIF Image"That sounds terrible, what business were you in?" 
15x5 Page Background GIF Image"I sold good luck charms."10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

15x5 Page Background GIF ImageAvailability — Assuming the availability of sufficient funds, subscriptions to this newsletter in print, copies of past issues in print, and copies of the website on CDs are available upon request.  Funding for this newsletter is from sources over which I don't have any control, so it might become necessary for me to terminate these offers or to cancel one or more subscriptions at any time, without notice.  All past issues are presently available for free download at the internet address shown below.  Contributions are welcome.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageCancellations — If you don't want to keep receiving printed copies of this newsletter, then return your copy unopened.  When I receive it, I'll terminate your subscription.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageReprint Policy — Permission is hereby given to reproduce this newsletter in its entirety or to reproduce material from it, provided that the reproduction is accurate and that proper credit is given.  I do not have the authority to give permission to reprint material that I have reprinted from other sources.  For that permission, you must apply to the original source.  I would appreciate receiving a courtesy copy of any document or publication in which you reprint my material.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSubmissions — I consider letters, articles, and cartoons for the newsletter, but I don't pay for them.  Short items are more likely to be printed.  I suggest that letters and articles be shorter than 500 words but that's flexible depending on space available and the content of the piece.
15x5 Page Background GIF ImagePayment — This newsletter isn't for sale.  If you want to make a voluntary contribution, then I prefer cash or U.S. postage stamps.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.  You can use editor@frontiersman.org.uk for PayPal payments.  In case anybody's curious, I also accept gold, silver, platinum, etc.  I don't accept anything that requires me to provide ID to receive it.

— Sam Aurelius Milam III, editor

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