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Eagle 3
Frontiersman, November 2018
Another Separation
Truths from Near and Far
15x5 Page Background GIF ImageSon, we all know what BS means.  MS means More of the Same.  PhD means Piled Higher and Deeper.
speaking to me when I was young
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe process of getting a “higher education” sometimes amounts to learning more and more about less and less while understanding less and less about more and more.
—from Ravin’ Evermore
in Pharos
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageWhen free public education becomes mandatory public education, then education becomes brainwashing.
—from Enemies of Liberty
Frontiersman, April 2011
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageBrainwashing promotes incorrect thinking.  Conditioning eliminates thinking.  Conditioning is to not think at all, but merely to respond.
—from Somnambulant Society
Frontiersman. August 2015
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15x5 Page Background GIF ImageThe whole climate of thought will be different.  In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now.  Orthodoxy means not thinking — not needing to think.  Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.
— from 1984, by George Orwell
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The legitimate purpose of a school is to provide knowledge.  I believe that, instead, the schools are promulgating false assumptions and misinformation, in support of an uncritical submissiveness to government, a submissiveness that seems more religious than secular.  Here are some examples.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The schools have fostered the notion that the U.S. constitution amounts to a secular equivalent of holy writ.  To advocate it’s termination is practically the same as heresy.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to reveal the flaws in the pedigree and the substance of the U.S. constitution.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to inform the students that the U.S. constitution imposes the whole jurisdiction of the government on all citizens, and that jurisdiction means power and control.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students the principles of liberty, and to inform them of the government’s violations of those principles.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have taught the students that government authority, the so-called rule of law, is inviolable, and that people must be punished merely for breaking a rule, whether or not any harm was actually done.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students the difference between a right and a privilege.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students that a constitution should limit the powers of a government, not the rights of the people.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students that neither a constitution nor a bill of rights is a source of rights.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have told the students that the U.S. constitution is the exclusive source of the so-called rights of the people.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have told the students that the United States is a democracy.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have taught the students that democracy is the best possible form of government, regardless of the situation or circumstances, and that a refusal to participate therein deprives a person of legitimacy.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have told the students that all people are equal and that, when inequality appears, then the government must enforce a false equality.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students the difference between freedom and permission.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have taught the students that security is more important than liberty.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have told the students that security can be provided only by the government.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have taught the students that surveillance and intrusion by the government are undertaken for the good of the people.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have taught the students that liberty must be sacrificed in order for it to be preserved.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students the difference between despotism and legitimate authority.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have told the students that human relationships are legitimate only when they’re authorized or documented by the government.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to instruct the students in the principles of contract.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students that when the establishment of a contract involves force, fraud, coercion, or incapacity of mind, then the contract is void from its inception, and is of no legal merit or effect.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students that when a contract is established on behalf of
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someone without his knowledge, consent, or understanding, then the contract cannot legitimately be enforced against him.  They have failed to inform the students that their Social Security numbers, obtained for them when they were legally incompetent babies, represent such contracts.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students that when a so-called obligation is unilaterally imposed, without the voluntary and informed agreement of the person upon whom it is imposed, then the so-called obligation is void from its inception, and is of no legal merit or effect.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have taught the students that when somebody needs something then he automatically deserves it and, furthermore, he deserves to have somebody else provide it for him.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students the definition of money, or the consequences of interest-bearing transactions and fractional reserve banking.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students that endless economic growth is unsustainable but, instead, have told the students that an economy must continuously grow, or it will fail.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students that the socioeconomic system of the entire planet is a Ponzi scheme, and cannot be sustained.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have failed to teach the students that human overpopulation is the cause of the destruction of the planetary ecosystem.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image They have told the students that it’s good for the U.S. government to impose its political theories, its economic systems, its social ideologies, and its religious dogmas onto the peoples of other countries.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image I believe that the schools have become tools of government, and are being used to establish an unhealthy reverence toward government.  However, replacing the divine right of kings with the divine right of democracy merely transfers the divine right from one form of government to another.  Given the absolute regulation of the schools, by government, such a result seems inevitable.  Consider that all schools, even private schools and home schools, are subject to one form or another of regulation, either directly or indirectly.  All teachers are subject to licensing requirements of one kind or another.  Everything that’s associated with education is licensed.  The power to license is the power to control.  I believe that we need to terminate that power to control.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The separation of church and state is a good idea but it becomes pointless if a government acquires the sanctified status of a religion.  I suggest that, in addition to the separation of church and state, we need a separation of school and state.  The schools should be completely outside of the purview of government.  Attendance at any school should always be voluntary.  Parents who don’t like a particular school should always have the option of sending their students to a different school, or of not sending them to any school at all.  There are other ways to provide an education.  Determining the nature of education might rest with the schools themselves, with the parents, or maybe even with the students.  Whatever the case, it should never be determined by, and for the benefit of, the government.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun  
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Additional Reading
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Essays About Liberty, Sovereignty, and the Doctrine of Social Contract, available in Pharos
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Essays About Money, Taxes, and Corporations, available in Pharos
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The Supreme Flaw of the Land Essays, available in Pharos
http://pharos.org.uk/Flaw_of_the_Land_Essays/Flaw_Essays.html10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun
Grandma’s Back Stairs
As told to me by Poppa.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image My father grew up during the Great Depression, and he had a few stories to tell.  Here’s one of them.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image My grandfather had a job, during the Great Depression, so they had food in the house.  Poppa said that it was a frequent occurrence for some hungry man who’d been riding the rails to knock on the back door and ask for food.  He said that my grandmother always gave each such man a plate with meat, potatoes, some kind of vegetables, a glass of milk, and a saucer with a piece of pie.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Poppa told me that she never felt threatened by the men who knocked on her back door.  They were always courteous, ate outside and, when they were finished, they left the plates, the glass, and the utensils neatly stacked on the stairs.  He said that, as far as he was aware, not a one of them ever went away hungry, from Grandma’s back stairs.10x5 Page Background GIF Image Infinity Symbol

Stray Thoughts
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Willful ignorance is pretty much indistinguishable from stupidity.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Maybe it’s a compliment to be criticized by a fool.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

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Letters to the Editor
Dear Sam:
15x5 Page Background GIF Image This letter is for the “Smitten With Embarrassment” Department.  About two months ago, I sent you a letter in which I (in part jokingly) suggested that the world would be better if everyone over a certain age (perhaps sixty) voluntarily eschewed medical remedies, except for the palliative type.  Some weeks after that, I saw a rerun of a “Star Trek:  Next Generation” episode that presented virtually the same idea.  Not only that, but as I watched it, I recalled that I had seen it!
15x5 Page Background GIF Image I still believe that the idea is worthy of discussion, but I no longer make my claim to having originated it.
—Sir Donald the Elusive

15x5 Page Background GIF ImageYou don’t need to be embarrassed.  Even if somebody else previously thought of that idea, you still thought of it yourself.  That’s a good thing.

Dear Sam,
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Hello.  Greetings.  I pray you are well.  I’m well myself.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Frontiersman, May 2024, your first article... “Little Bang Theory”.  It’s a great article.  Kevin Spacey was in a movie called “K-PAX”, were he alludes to the same idea.  That the universe will expand and eventually collapse in on itself, and repeat.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image But until you worded it the way you did in “Little Bang Theory”, I hadn’t really considered the concept.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Previous people who have proposed the “Big Bang” ... some have said our universe expansion is speeding up.  Therefore alluding to our universe is so young that we haven’t started our slow down.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image I have always said that the easiest way to overcome gravity is speed.  Common sense, that’s how we are able to reach outer space.  I get it!  But, your “Little Bang Theory” thought has truth.  Because of entropy, everything will reach its exhaustion point.  So, if we are expanding it does make common sense that the “Big Bang” will eventually lead to the “Big Fall”.  Until energy builds up again to an explosive point to do it all over again.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Regardless, the more I consider science versus religion, I’m realizing it doesn’t matter.  Both are guided by unprovable theories, which are subject to, and certainly will change in the future.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image But I don’t think we’ll be around to complain.  You and Kurt Vonnegut predictions on overpopulation are sure to come true.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Have a good day.
—S. H., a prisoner

Worldometer Population Clock
U.S. Census Bureau Population Clock

Typical Population Curve

15x5 Page Background GIF ImageI wrote Little Bang Theory as a way to discredit the Big Bang Theory.  I thought that the nonsense that’s inherent in the Big Bang Theory would be more easily visible in a little bang than in a big one.  See Cosmology and the Law of Parsimony, Creation Stories, and Ravin’ Evermore.  They’re all available in Pharos.

Nock’s Observation
Albert J. Nock , [October 13, 1870 – August 19, 1945]
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The idea that the State originated to serve any kind of social purpose is completely unhistorical.  It originated in conquest and confiscation — that is to say, in crime.  It originated for the purpose of maintaining the division of society into an owning-and-exploiting class and a propertyless dependent class — that is, for a criminal purpose.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

Imagine That
Sam Aurelius Milam III
15x5 Page Background GIF Image On Sunday, May 4, 2024, I saw, on one of the animal rescue programs, a recommendation that we should all get our pets neutered, so as to address the problem of pet overpopulation.  Imagine that.  People can figure out that there’s a pet overpopulation problem but not that there’s a human overpopulation problem.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image On Thursday, February 21, 1985, I got a vasectomy.  Imagine that.  I’m not even a pet.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Here’s a fun idea.  Don’t tell your girlfriend that you’ve had a vasectomy until after she sues you for child support.  Imagine that.  She’ll be really annoyed.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageGun

Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by Don G.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The Japanese eat very little fat, and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The French eat a lot of fat, and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The Chinese drink very little wine, and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image The Italians drink a lot of wine, and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Conclusion:  Eat and drink what you like.  It's the English language that kills you.10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

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15x5 Page Background GIF Image Patience is the greatest of virtues if you’re going to subvert a society, and there’s no substitute for preparation.
—from Cerberus: A Wolf in the Fold
by Jack L. Chalker



15x5 Page Background GIF Image My thanks to the following:  El Dorado Bob;  Betty;  Eric, of Stockton, California;  and Sir Donald the Elusive.
— editor
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Forestry Primer for Beginners
Sam Aurelius Milam III
Q 15x5 Page Background GIF Image What do you call a Live Oak tree after it dies?
A 15x5 Page Background GIF Image Dead.
Q 15x5 Page Background GIF Image What kind of tree are you most likely to find after a forest fire?
A 15x5 Page Background GIF Image The White Ash.
Q 15x5 Page Background GIF Image What kind of tree are you most likely to find growing near the ocean?
A 15x5 Page Background GIF Image The Beech.10x5 Page Background GIF Image Gun

Church Jokes
Original Source Unknown.  Forwarded by Marilyn, of Bingham County, Idaho.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image A little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could, trying not to be late for Bible class.  As she ran she prayed, “Dear Lord, please don’t let me be late!  Dear Lord, please don’t let me be late!”
15x5 Page Background GIF Image While she was running and praying, she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her clothes dirty and tearing her dress.  She got up, brushed herself off, and started running again.  As she ran, she once again began to pray, “Dear Lord, please don’t let me be late, but please don’t shove me, either!”10x5 Page Background GIF ImageInfinity Symbol

15x5 Page Background GIF Image Availability — Assuming the availability of sufficient funds, subscriptions to this newsletter in print, copies of past issues in print, and copies of the website on disks are available upon request.  Funding for this newsletter is from sources over which I don't have any control, so it might become necessary for me to terminate these offers or to cancel one or more subscriptions at any time, without notice.  All past issues are presently available for free download at the internet address shown below.  Contributions are welcome.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Cancellations — If you don't want to keep receiving printed copies of this newsletter, then return your copy unopened.  When I receive it, I'll terminate your subscription.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Reprint Policy — Permission is hereby given to reproduce this newsletter in its entirety or to reproduce material from it, provided that the reproduction is accurate and that proper credit is given.  I do not have the authority to give permission to reprint material that I have reprinted from other sources.  For that permission, you must apply to the original source.  I would appreciate receiving a courtesy copy of any document or publication in which you reprint my material.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Submissions — I consider letters, articles, and cartoons for the newsletter, but I don't pay for them.  Short items are more likely to be printed.  I suggest that letters and articles be shorter than 500 words but that's flexible depending on space available and the content of the piece.
15x5 Page Background GIF Image Payment — This newsletter isn't for sale.  If you want to make a voluntary contribution, then I prefer cash or U.S. postage stamps.  For checks or money orders, please inquire.  You can use editor@frontiersman.org.uk for PayPal payments.  In case anybody's curious, I also accept gold, silver, platinum, etc.  I don't accept anything that requires me to provide ID to receive it.
— Sam Aurelius Milam III, editor

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